Income Tax


  • Consulting and assisting companies and individuals, in Israel and abroad, with all of the various tax issues (income tax, including capital gains, real estate taxation, VAT, and customs), as well as tax planning and tax assessments to lighten the burden on the taxpayer;
  • assisting and representing the taxpayer in hearings with the Tax Authority (income tax assessor, professional department, the international taxation unit, etc.), appeal committees and the courts;
  • taxation pre-rulings both by the Israel Tax Authority and its counterparts abroad;
  • giving expert opinions on taxation in Israel and abroad; assisting with criminal proceedings of the various tax laws. 
  • Providing professional legal advice on the various tax issues to the top accounting firms in Israel, with our firm serving as the tax department in these firms.
  • Consultation and assistance in voluntary disclosure procedures with the Tax Authority. 
צור קשר
מנחם בגין 156, קומה 22, תל-אביב​
טלפון: 03-7572900
פקס: 03-7572912